AI Deepfake Porn on top of the page of Search Engines has left netizens and the public in deep shock. The results reportedly appeared on the pages of market leader Google as well as Bing and DuckDuckGo.
What is AI Deepfake porn ?
AI Deepfake porn is produced by altering the faces of real actors or celebrities using automated software and superimposing them on porn images and videos. This is one hundred percent Nonconsensual and Harmful Content that clearly violates the privacy of the victims. It also causes great harm to the victims due to the ethical and social implications of such content, especially for women.
The Harms of nonconsensual AI Deepfake porn
This form of online abuse can cause emotional, psychological, reputational, and professional damage to the victims, as well as erode their dignity and social status. Some victims may also face physical threats, harassment, or blackmail from the perpetrators or viewers of the deepfake porn. Not only are the victims who are affected but the pain also transfers to their family, friends, and loved ones.

The role of search engines and platforms
Search engines like Google and Bing are often the entry point for people to access non-consensual deepfake porn, as they sometimes rank and display such content prominently in their results. However, these search engines do not have clear or consistent policies to prevent or limit the spread of deepfake porn, and they rely on the victims to report the content individually. Some platforms, such as Google Play, and Microsoft also host apps and tools that enable the creation of deepfake porn, despite having strict rules in place against misleading or deceptive imagery. There is also a criticism that tech giants and regulators do not give the same degree of importance to combat the problem of deepfakes as in other domains, such as politics and voice cloning. The big point here is that the search engines fail to prevent or suppress such content from appearing in their results, even when the users have safety features on.
The Role of Generative AI in Deepfake Porn
Advancements in generative AI have led to an increase in the creation of sexual content. AI-powered systems like Stable Diffusion are being used to generate pornographic content. The technology is improving and becoming more accessible, leading to a rise in the number of AI-generated pornographic images and videos. A significant portion of AI-generated pornographic content involves non-consensual deepfakes, where the faces of real individuals are superimposed onto pornographic images or videos without their consent.
The challenges of legal and technical solutions for AI Deepfake porn
There is no federal law in the US that criminalizes the creation or distribution of non-consensual deepfake porn, and only a few states have specific laws that address it. Moreover, the existing laws may not cover all the scenarios and nuances of deepfake porn, such as the use of AI-generated faces or the intent of the creators. On the technical side, detecting and removing deepfake porn from the web is also difficult, as the technology is constantly evolving and becoming more realistic and accessible.

AI Deepfake’s Effect on the Porn Industry
There’s also a concern about the potential impact on adult content creators, who may face stiff competition from AI-generated content in the future. The industry was valued at $1.1bn in 2023 and provided the livelihood for over a hundred thousand performers and crew members. There is concern that this controversial industry could be hard hit by the technological advancements in AI in the past year or so.
The Need of the Hour to Check AI Deepfake Porn
In response to these issues, there are calls for more proactive measures from search engines and platforms, more effective detection and removal methods, and stronger legal protections. However, addressing these challenges is complex due to the evolving nature of the technology and the nuances involved in regulating it.
Ultimately, the responsibility lies with search engines and web platforms to ensure their systems do not promote or provide easy access to unethical or illegal content. Implementing effective content moderation at scale is an immense challenge given the volume of data, nuances of language, and the ever-evolving nature of new media.
No automation or AI system will likely ever be 100% accurate. There will always be problematic content that slips through. Thus the goal should be constant improvement of these systems and additional human oversight may also help correct automated errors in flagging concerning content.
On an individual level, one must also strive for ethical and wise use of these massive technological advancements especially in the field of Artificial Intelligence which is growing almost on a day-to-day basis. Seeking out or spreading non-consensual or harmful media contradicts human dignity, consent, and compassion principles. Users should consider how they would feel if they were the subject of the controversial imagery and act accordingly.